Directions to the UCLA Linguistics Department from Los Angeles International Airport
Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) is the closest airport to UCLA. Below are directions.
By Taxi and similar services. Be aware that taxi pickup at LAX is non-standard, consult their website for instructions on how to find a ride. Taxis to UCLA from the airport are about $45. Sample instructions to driver: “I’m going to UCLA. Take the 405 north, get off at Sunset and go east.” It is tricky to enter our building into electronic navigation, since we aren’t really on a road, but entering “Northern Lights Cafe” (part of North Campus Student Center) will probably work.
Likely route: driver will reach the 405 freeway in 5-10 minutes, then go north on the freeway for about ten miles. (S)he should take the Sunset Boulevard exit, turn right on Sunset, then continue for about 1 1/2 miles. After descending a long hill you will reach a traffic light at Westwood Plaza, the first light shown on the map. Continue on Sunset past this light, then turn right at the second light after that, on Royce Drive. Take Royce Drive past the stop sign, then have the driver pull into a small parking lot immediately ahead on your left. Walk 50 yards southeast to Campbell Hall, following the blue line on the map.
Uber/Lyft are also available, and are sometimes cheaper than taxis.
The department office is on the third floor, in Campbell 3125.
By car: Leave the airport on Century Boulevard, going east. Go north on the 405 freeway (= San Diego Freeway). Go approximately 11 miles, exit at Sunset Boulevard (previous two exits: Wilshire, Montana). Turn right on Sunset and go 1.5 miles. Turn right on Westwood Plaza (first traffic light at end of long downhill slope), then go forward about a block to the parking kiosk. Obtain parking and directions to the “parking structure” (this is the local word for a parking garage) to which you have been assigned. You may find this map helpful in locating your parking structure and our building, Campbell Hall. The Linguistics Department office is on the third floor, in Campbell 3125.
As above, if you want to enter a destination in your electronic navigation, try “Northern Lights Cafe”.
This trip takes anywhere from 25 minutes to over an hour, depending on traffic.
If you rented a car, you can start your northward journey by going north (left) on Airport Boulevard, right on La Tijera, then north on the 405 freeway.
The direct Flyaway bus
An inexpensive shuttle bus goes direct from the airport to a peripheral UCLA parking lot. You can then take a shuttle to our department. See these links:
- Flyaway airport shuttle
- UCLA shuttle, with route map. The Flyaway will take you to “Lot 32”.
City Buses from the Airport to UCLA
This is slow but cheap. There’s a nice web site in LA that tells you exactly how to ride the buses and which bus to take. It’s here:
Type “LAX” in the “starting from” window, and “UCLA” in the “ending at” window. On the UCLA end you can specify either “Hilgard terminal” or “Ackerman terminal”. The little maps at right show you how to walk to the Linguistics Department from these two bus terminals.
From Ackerman terminal:

From Hilgard terminal: